Today HerHeadquarters, announced the launch of its crowdfunding campaign via iFundWomen with a goal of $15,000. HerHeadquarters is the first collaborating and networking tool exclusively available to female business owners with brands within the Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment, Events, and PR industries. The funds raised during the campaign will be put toward the development of the second version of the app. The HerHeadquarters V2 version will incorporate user and industry feedback and ultimately enhance users experience based on beta tester feedback, making the collaborating process 10x more powerful.
The first version of the app gives approved users immediate access to a Rolodex of local and national brand partnerships opportunities with fellow women-owned businesses and the ability to quickly find quality partners to collaborate with for upcoming projects, events, and campaigns.
Here’s how the HerHeadquarters App currently works:

- Sign Up: First sign up to join the HerHeadquarters app and select your account level!
- Download: After receiving notification that you’ve been approved to join, download the app from your iOS App Store or Android Play Store.
- Secure Brand Collaborations: Create your profile and start discovering collaborations to join and potential new allies to partner with.

HerHeadquarter V2 features will give users more customization power and better access to potential partnerships and allies that better match their interests, industry and location preferences. The new feature rollouts will include functionalities that have been in high demand by current users that will greatly impact the quality of the partnerships secured and how quickly they’re secured through new technological search and match settings.
Supporters of the iFundWomen campaign will be able to select from a variety of contribution levels, ranging from $20-$1,500. While the contribution level determines the perk received, rewards range from a thank you note from the HerHeadquarters founder, to limited edition merchandise, VIP access to the Los Angeles ‘The Bosses Lounge’ pop up experience and a 6-month premium subscription.
To support the HerHeadquarters crowdfunding campaign visit https://ifundwomen.com/projects/herheadquarters-version-2. To learn more about HerHeadquarters and to request access to the community, visit www.herheadquarters.app.
Source: HerHeadquarters