If you travel, do a lot of outdoor exploring or a photographer it is important to have your SRL and DSLR camera’s protected especially if water is included. Though there are a lot of cases on the market there aren’t that many that have transparent waterproof housing that allows you access to all your camera and len’s controls. Introducing one of the newest covers for cameras, the Clear Outex Housing Waterproof Covers for Cameras.
The Clear Outex housing waterproof cover benefits include:
- Lightweight, compact, malleable design for complete tactile control
- Affordable to purchase and to own over time
- Modular design that works with tripods, lighting, domes, tethering, etc
- Clear, detailed visibility of all the functions you can control for your camera and lens, or anything inside the housing.
- Improved material composition for easier installation and removal when needed. Noticeable increased elasticity and malleability.
- Improved longevity of the covers due to reformulated compound design and manufacturing process that reduces oxidization and deterioration.
Outex’s popular Cover 110 size is compatible with any camera in the market, including mirrorless Sonys, Fujis, Leicas, and etc. Outexs Cover 110 is also compatible with DSLR cameras by Canon and Nikon.
After Outex’s successful and funded Kickstarter campaign in 2013 they decided another Kickstarter campaign. Outex is currently investing in a new set of tools and manufacturing process that will increase consistency and reliability with the product. They believe the increased volume potential will help them offset the higher overall costs of delivery.
Their Kickstarter campaign was just launched with a goal of $35,000 and $7,815 has already been pledged. They have 32 days to go and their campaign is All or nothing this means the project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Tue, December 5, 2017 12:08 PM CST. They set the Kickstarter package price that include the Clear Outex cover at $99 that is likely to be less than actual pricing down the road. It will be shipped by January 2018 if they make their goals.
To pledge to their campaign or to purchase one of their Kickstarter packages click here. Dimensions for all of their covers are already available on their website www.Outex.com.To learn more about Outex visit here: www.Outex.com.
Source: www.Outex.com