For most Americans, it has been their first week working from home and self-quarantined amid the COVID-19 Restrictions. Announced today, Silvina Moschini co-founder of TransparentBusiness, is on a quest to help women-lead businesses by offering unlimited and free access to the TransparentBusiness remote working and management platform while the COVID-19 restrictions are in place. They will also help the companies to deploy work-from-home programs. By offering the free service and support people will be able to make a smooth transition to allowing their employees to work from home.
Below are their offerings:

The TransparentBusiness software is an emergency preparedness and pandemic response tool. The software helps companies allow their staff to work from home, and yet still be productive, and have accountability. Companies that use this recession-resilient software will find that it helps them boost productivity and transparency, offers cost-cutting solutions, and provides a real solution to transition people to remote working.
While working from home will be the new norm, TransparentBusiness platform provides solutions to make remote work easy to monitor and coordinate. For more information about the software, visit the site: https://transparentbusiness.com/.
To join their webinar ” Emergency Preparedness: Enabling Transparent Work From Home” please visit: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cKBterl6RYmUDFTb3_SxDQ.
About TransparentBusiness
Designated by Citigroup as the Top People Management Solution, TransparentBusiness offers full transparency and real-time coordination, boosts productivity, and eliminates overbilling. For more information about the software, visit the site: https://transparentbusiness.com/.
Source: TransparentBusiness