I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and may your 2016 be AMAZING. I am excited for 2016 because it will be my first time introducing people face to face about Hi-Tech Chic. It will be covering events like CES, SXSW, E3, Comic Con with Shatner as the host, ACL, more fashion or wearable events (unlike my Examiner and cutegeek posts), and maybe the Napa Valley Film festival as well.
Hi-Tech Chic was launched in September 2015 and since then the site is growing faster than I thought. While it’s still a baby (site wise) our fan base keeps growing on the site and on the @hitechchic twitter account. I also just got in my my first Hi-Tech Chic business cards, just in time for CES!
THANK YOU to the fans, companies that send me products to review, and PR firms. Without all your support Hi-Tech Chic wouldn’t be taking off so quickly.
I wish you all a Happy New Year and thanks again for following Hi-Tech Chic!
Cheer’s to 2016 and CES 2016!